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Faculty Services: Course Reserves

Course Reserves


Course Reserves are supplementary materials that faculty make available to their students in the library and online. Examples of course materials include books, book chapters, journal articles, homework assignments, case studies, etc. Materials placed on reserve must be in accordance with copyright law and fair use. Course reserve materials may require copyright permission for use in subsequent semesters.

All materials placed on course reserves (electronic, print or media materials) will be available for use by library users for the current semester only. For example, any item placed on course reserve during the 2022 fall semester will not be accessible after December 31, 2022. A subsequent request is required for the spring semester. Course reserve requests should be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the date that students will need to access the material(s). Course reserve materials will be processed in the order received.
Note: Items requested to be placed on course reserves require copyright clearance and may not be posted until all permissions have been obtained.

Course reserve materials can be retrieved using any four reserve item characteristics:
* Title (e.g., “The How and Why of Water Intoxication”)
* Course Name (e.g., Introduction to Religion)
* Course prefix and number (e.g., HIS 101)
* Professor’s Name (e.g., John Doe)   

Traditional Reserves

Physical items such as books may be placed on reserve at the circulation desk for limited checkout by students. Faculty are requested to submit materials to be placed on Course Reserves to the library at least two weeks prior to the date that students will need to access them. A Course Reserves Request Form must be completed for each course.

Electronic Reserves

RWWL’s e-reserves service offers electronic access to class reading materials (journal articles, book chapters, etc.) through the library’s online catalog. Students are able to access the readings from any computer capable of accessing the network. Materials submitted for e-reserves must comply with copyright guidelines. An E-reserves Request Form must be completed for each course and submitted with materials.