Audio, video, scores, and full-text reference content from all Alexander Street Press music databases. Classical music recordings for listening and learning in libraries.
Online music encyclopedia with comprehensive coverage of music, musicians, music-making, and music scholarship.
Audio, video, scores, and full-text reference content from all Alexander Street Press music databases. Classical music recordings for listening and learning in libraries.
Online classical music library.
Curated at the UNC-Chapel Hill Music Library, Nineteenth Century American Sheet Music Collection includes vocal and instrumental titles from the 1830s to the end of the century.
Comprehensive bibliography of writings about music, featuring bibliographic citations, abstracts, and indexing. It covers
publications in all document types from around the world on traditional music, popular music, jazz, classical music, and related subjects.
IMSLP is an open source, non-profit library of music, consisting of IMSLP currently has 208,960 works, 683,137 scores, 75,974 recordings, 25,891 composers, and 1,650 performers.
The sheet music in this digital collection has been selected from the Sheet Music Collection at the John Hay Library at Brown University. The sheet music, primarily vocal music of American imprint, dates from the 18th century to the present day, with the largest concentration of titles in the period 1840-1950. -- From the Website.
This collection is a grouping of items dating from the 1830s to the 1920s. The contents of the collection depict representations of Black diasporic people and cultures through close to a century of illustrations and musical and lyrical compositions found in sheet music publications. The collection depicts representations of Blackness during an era dominated by the sheet music publishing industry and prior to the recording industry’s eventual domination over the commercial market which began in the 1920s.
Loeb Music Library's (Harvard University) digital collection of scores and libretti, selected for their rare or unique natures and their popularity as objects of research and teaching.
Provides access to digital images for over 3,000 pieces from the collection, published in the United States between 1850 and 1920.
This database features hundreds of titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies.
The most comprehensive video subscription available to libraries. It delivers video titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.
CPDL was founded in December 1998, ported to ChoralWiki in August 2005, and incorporated in May 2010 as a U.S.A. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization. Free choral/vocal scores, texts, translations, and other useful information.
Fine Arts (Gale OneFile) places millions of articles at the fingertips of serious students of drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. The database includes over 500 journals, with more than 400 available in full text. Periodical database for serious students of drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.
IPA Source was developed to assist singers and teachers in the intelligent and well informed performance of vocal literature. What started as a support site for students in a university diction class in 2003, has grown into the largest collection of literal translations and International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions on the web. The goal of IPA Source is to promote comprehension and accurate pronunciation of foreign language texts in order for the singer to imbue each syllable with the appropriate emotional content.
This exhibit marks the publication of The African-American Mosaic: A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture. The Mosaic is the first Library-wide resource guide to the institution's African-American collections. Covers nearly 500 years of the black experience in the Western hemisphere, including books, periodicals, prints, photographs, music, film, and recorded sound. -- From the Website.
Humanities International Complete provides the full text of hundreds of journals, books, and other published sources from around the world pertaining to literary, scholarly, and creative thought.