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Open Access (OA) Publishing for Faculty: OA Journals Hosted by the Library

Answers to frequently asked questions about how the Library can support AUC faculty in open access publishing.

What Journal Hosting Options are Offered by the Library?

The AUC Woodruff Library provides journal editors options for publishing journals on their choice of two platforms:

1. RADAR, the AUC Woodruff Library's institutional repository makes journals accessible to a worldwide audience as well as providing long term preservation. This option is suitable for journals that do not wish to use editorial software for the back end workflow procedures, but want permanent, open access for their journal.

2. Journals @AUC Woodruff Library uses Open Journal Systems (OJS) software to provide public access to completed journal issues, but also supports the entire peer-review and editing process (submission, review, indexing, publishing).  This option is ideal for journals that publish regularly and want an efficient means for tracking and managing content. 

Open Journal Systems (OJS) is an open-source software platform developed by the Public Knowledge Project.  OJS is a comprehensive journal management tool and is perfect for building a journal from start to finish.  Some of OJS's benefits include:

  • Flexible and configurable editorial workflow
  • Online submission and management of all content
  • Integration with Crossref, ORCiD, and the Directory of Open Access Journals
  • Responsive reader front-end with a selection of free themes and design

Interested in starting an open access journal?  Please contact Digital Publishing Librarian, Vanesa Evers, to get started!


OJS Supported AUC Journals

Aunt Chloe

Aunt Chloe

Historically grounded in artist-activism, and bound by its mission to reclaim the time and space that Black women have been denied, Aunt Chloe—an artistic response to an absence of truth, to any void in the representation of our narratives—is situated at the crux of every social justice movement. We are proud to further the vision of the editors and contributors who curated the journal before us, as we continue to claim and enlarge the spaces within which to create and narrate Black women’s lives. 

Journal of Equity in Behavioral Health Therapy

Journal of Equity in Behavioral Health Therapy

The Journal of Equity in Behavioral Health Therapy is a multidisciplinary, open-access journal that focuses on the needs/strengths of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) therapists and therapists-in-training as they prepare for, or engage in, behavioral health therapy and their needs/strengths as they work to improve access to services and decrease stigma about the services.



Litteratus is the literary journal of the Morehouse College Howard Thurman Honors Program. 



Challenge publishes scholarly papers on all issues germane to the African Diaspora. Particular emphasis is placed on African American men, their families, and their communities within this global context. Challenge is an interdisciplinary publication of Morehouse College, housed within the division of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Challenge also publishes special issues with papers presented at colloquia, conferences, and invited papers on selected themes. Unsolicited papers related to the themes may also be included in these special issues. This journal is no longer accepting submissions. 

Journal Types

Journals can be peer reviewed, non-peer review, literary in nature, or publications that feature student scholarship. Student journals are defined as an academic journal primarily run by students that publishes content by faculty, other students, or the general public.  Student journals are managed in collaboration with a faculty member, association or university administration.


What the Library Provides

  • Work with Public Knowledge Project to install, maintain, and provide access to a hosted instance of the OJS software and set up a journal shell and a set of credentials for the Publisher to submit, edit, and publish the Journal's content online;
  • Make the contents of the Journal available via the Internet;
  • Ensure the Vendor provides access to the Journal's content at all times, providing notice in the event of maintenance and upgrades;
  • Provide access to an archive of the Journal’s content through the repository of the AUC Woodruff Library (RADAR) in the event the journal ceases to publish on OJS;
  • Assigns a library employee to assist the Journal Manager and Editors with operational requirements (e.g. training and troubleshooting);
  • Provides the Journal Manager with six months prior written notice if AUC Woodruff Library decides to discontinue hosting services;

What the Journal Manager Provides

  • Name and contact information of Journal Manager and the main contact with the Publisher;
  • Make Journal’s content openly accessible on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge;
  • Allow AUC Woodruff Library to transfer content, without changing it, to any medium, format, or platform for the purpose of access and preservation;
  • Agree that AUC Woodruff Library is not responsible for damages, costs, or losses of data including, but not limited to, hardware breakdown, software upgrades, or network outages;
  • Agree to receive occasional emails from AUC Woodruff Library regarding system maintenance and best practices information; and
  • Agree to launch and maintain the journal within the following timelines:
    • Launch the Journal and/or publish the first issue within the first year of the OJS website set up. 
    • In cases when a Journal has ceased publication for three years and has indicated no intention of resuming publication, the content will be archived and continue to be accessible to readers outside of OJS. The Journal website will be retired. 

Interested in starting an open access journal? Contact Vanesa!


Interested in starting an open access journal? The Library has a professional, easy-to-use platform and is eager to assist! Please contact Digital Publishing Librarian, Vanesa Evers, to get started.