On the Good Life : Thinking Through the Intermediaries in Plato's Philebus by IonescuCall Number: EBook
ISBN: 9781438475080
Publication Date: 2019
Argues that mediation is a central theme in this Platonic dialogue dedicated to the exploration of what it means to live a good life. Plato's Philebus continues to fascinate us with its reflections on what it means to live a good life by aiming at the right combination of pleasure and knowledge. In this book, Cristina Ionescu argues that mediation is a central theme in the dialogue. Whether we talk about mediating between distinct ontological levels, between steps of reasoning, between pleasure and knowledge, between distinct types of pleasure, or between concrete circumstances and ideals, the steps in between remain essential to a good life. Focusing on ethical, epistemological, and metaphysical aspects of the dialogue, Ionescu occasionally steps beyond the letter of the text, while remaining faithful to its spirit, as she tries to illuminate what is only hinted at.