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Media (Mass Media Arts, CTEMS, Filmmaking): Annotated Bibliographies

A guide to the field of mass media arts that includes introductory information, links to resources and news about the profession.
  • Last Updated: Feb 7, 2025 1:18 PM
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How to Complete an Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography/Webliography

 1.      An annotated bibliography is a list of source (i.e. book chapters, primary documents and journal articles) that are most relevant to a topic.

 2.      An annotated webliography is a list of credible websites related to a particular topic.

      HINT: Look for websites that end in .gov; .edu; or .org

 3.      Each annotation should include:

a.      a brief summary of the source

b.      a critical analysis of the source

c.       a description of how the source will shed light on your topic

 4.      Annotated bibliographies/webliographies are organized alphabetically by author’s last name and formatted using the appropriate citation style (i.e. APA, MLA, Turabian, etc.)

Useful Websites

Other sites that offer useful information on how to complete an annotated bibliography