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Eastern Religions: Confucianism

A guide that serves as a brief introduction into Eastern religons and philosophy including: Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Shintoism.


Image: Symbol of Confusianism by laobc is licensed under an Open Clipart Library License.

This Chinese ideogram for water is often utilized as a symbol for Confucianism. In Chinese philosophy It represents the 'source of life.'.

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Confucianism: A Brief Overview

What is meant by ‘Confucianism’ is more a tradition generally rooted in Chinese culture and nurtured by Confucius and Confucians rather than a new religion created, or a new value system initiated, by Confucius himself alone. It is true that as a distinctive ‘school’ Confucianism began with Confucius.

It was Confucius who explored deeply and elaborated extensively on the basic principles of what was to become Confucianism, and it was Confucius and his disciples who succeeded in transmitting and transforming their ancient culture. But it would go too far to suggest that Confucianism was ‘created’ solely by Confucius and Confucianism was sustained exclusively by the faith in Confucius. In this sense, the word ‘Confucianism’ is a misnomer for the tradition that is normally referred to as ru jia, ru jiao, ru xue or simply as ru in China and other East Asian countries. Confucius played a key role in the development of the tradition which had originated long before his time. He is usually regarded as a ‘sage–teacher’ for the people or as the Sage for Confucians, but seldom as the Saviour, and never as the Lord. Confucius functioned as ‘the founder’ of the Confucian tradition in a way quite different from the founders of other religious traditions.

From An Introduction to Confucianism by XinZhong Yao, available on Net Library

Sacred Confucian Texts

Image: Falling Chinese Text by Steve the Alien is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Stephen Prothero Interview about Confucianism

Huston Smith and Bill Moyers on Confucianism

Confucius Quotes

Books on Confucianism