The template for this guide and a substantial amount of the information within it was copied from the Word 2010 Dissertation Libguide created by the excellent librarians of the Knowledge Navigation Center at the University of Michigan Library. Many thanks to them.
Finalizing Dissertation Without Styles
Automatic Table of Contents and Lists
This document provides information that will help you use Microsoft Word 2007 effectively for your dissertation. Topics include: formatting page numbers, using chapter templates, footnotes, images, and figures. Topics such as special pagination for the front matter or landscape pages and combining documents are also included.
To meet your school or department's formatting requirements you will need to modify the default, standard Word document.
This online guide is intended to show you how to use the tools to make the necessary modifications. You must verify the formatting requirements with the appropriate office.
Word 2010 Handout
This full-length handout is available at here.
Although Microsoft Office 2010 looks very similar to Office 2007, there are a couple of changes:
A note about the videos. These excellent videos have been produced at the University of Michigan. They convey information that is needed for every dissertation author. Please disregard their opening slide which encourgaes the viewer to review the Rackham Style for dissertations. That only applies to the students at the Rackham Graduate School - University of Michigan.