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RADAR @ AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library: How Do I?

RADAR is the Institutional Repository for the Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library.

How Do I...?

This page includes tutorials designed to help you get the most out of RADAR @ AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library.

How do I browse to my institution's collections?

RADAR Homepage

  • Scroll down and click on your institution (i.e. Clark Atlanta University)

Click on Clark Atlanta University

  • This displays all collections and objects associated with Clark Atlanta University

Showing 5221 results for all items associated with Clark Atlanta University - both Collections and Objects.

  • In the right-hand menu, click on Collections to narrow down to just collections.

Click on Collections to narrow CAU results to only Collections (down from 5221 to 13).

  • That's it!  You can now see all collections associated with your institution.

How do I narrow my search results?

  • Navigate to the RADAR homepage:
  • In the main search box, type in your search terms (i.e. "music")

Screenshot of the RADAR homepage with a search for the word "music" in the homepage search box.  The word "music" is highlighted in red.

  • This will show you over 3000 results for the keyword search for "music".

Search results for the keyword "music", showing 3217 results.

  • To narrow down your search results, click on the upper-left corner facet menu button (three horizontal bars).

Screenshot showing a cursor clicking the upper-left menu button made of three horizontal bars (hamburger menu).

  • Once the menu opens, you will be able to narrow down your search results by several facets, including Decade and Geographic Location. Click on the plus symbol next to the facet to open that facet menu.

Screenshot of the facet menus with Decade and Geographic Location highlighted in red.

  • Let's narrow search results by Decade to just items from the 1960's.  Click the checkbox next to "1960-1969".

Screenshot of the Decades facet with "1960-1969" highlighted, and the checkbox next to that option checked.

  • Next, let's narrow by Geographic Location to just items from Albany, Georgia.  Click the checkbox next to "Georgia--Albany".

Screenshot of the Geographic Location facet with "Georgia--Albany" highlighted, and the checkbox next to that option checked.

  • At the bottom of the facet menu, click on the red Search button to narrow your search results.

Screenshot of the red Search button at the bottom of the facet menu.

  • That's it!  Your search results have been narrowed to the three items with the keyword of "music," narrowed down to just items from the 1960's associated with Albany, Georgia.

Screenshot of the narrowed search results page, showing three search results.