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Malcolm X (1925-1965)

Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little, later el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz; May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965) was an African- American Muslim minister and human rights activist who was a prominent figure during the civil rights movement in the United States.

Malcolm X was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam until 1964, he was a vocal advocate for Black empowerment and the promotion of Islam within the African American community. After falling out with the NOI, Malcolm X embraced Sunni Islam after completing the Hajj to Mecca and changed his name to "el-Hakk Malik el-Shabazz" meaning "The Pilgrim". He founded the Muslim Mosque Inc. and the Pan-African Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU).

Malcolm X’s Fiery Speech Addressing Police Brutality

The Smithsonian Channel Malcolm X’s Fiery Speech Addressing Police Brutality

60 Minutes reports on the death of Malcolm X

In 2000, Mike Wallace interviewed Attallah Shabazz, the daughter of Malcolm X, and Louis Farrakhan who succeeded the slain leader as head of the Nation of Islam.

Malcolm X Interview (1963)

American History TV C-SPAN


African American Studies Librarian

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Thomas Jackson
AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library
Resarch Services Unit
RLTS Department Office #222H