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Census: Mapping Census Data

The U.S. Census Bureau conducts several data collection programs about the U.S. population which have their own language, geography, and data portals. This guide is based on a similar guide created by Jacquelyn Daniel at RWWL.

GIS Tutorials

Interactive Mapping


Boston Redevelopment Authority Maps of Boston Neighborhoods

Maps and aerial photos of Boston neighborhoods. Look for local agencies for other cities which might provide more in depth breakdowns of major cities with neighborhood breakdowns.

Cancer Mortality Maps & Graph Web Site

National Cancer Institute provides interactive maps, graphs (which are accessible to the blind and visually-impaired), text, tables and figures showing geographic patterns and time trends of cancer death rates for the time period 1950-1994 for more than 40 cancers.

GIS and Public Health
National Center for Health Statistics uses Geographic Information Systems to map health statistics, geocode data, and develop analytic methods. This site includes an Atlas of United States Mortality with mortality rates for many causes of death.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Jacquelyn Daniel
Phone 404-978-2016

Fax 404-978-2113