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Finding Government Documents in the RWWL: Home

This guide will assist you in locating and using U.S. government information.

The Robert W. Woodruff Library has been a Federal Depository Library since 1962. This program, administered by the Government Publishing Office, allows libraries to obtain federal government publications while agreeing to maintain the collection and provide public access and information services. Check  library  hours for information on physical access in the library.  Many (although not all) government documents are available online, link to official government websites like




The Atlanta University Center has been a member of the Federal Depository Library Program since 1962. Government Documents collection and help is located on the main level of the Robert W. Woodruff Library.

Subject Guide

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Jacquelyn Daniel
Phone 404-978-2016

Fax 404-978-2113


There are nearly 1,250 depository libraries throughout the United States and its territories.

What is a Federal depository library?

What are you interested in?

  • Health & Nutrition

  • Laws, Statistics, & Presidential Materials

  • Science & Technology

  • Business & Careers

  • History

  • World Maps

    Your local Federal depository library is ready to help! Explore publications, journals, electronic resources, microfiche, microfilm and more on hundreds of thousands of topics for FREE at Federal depository libraries. Explore all of this with the expert assistance of trained librarians.

    Since 1813, depository libraries have safeguarded the public's right to know by collecting, organizing, maintaining, preserving, and assisting users with information from the Federal Government. Depository libraries provide local, no-fee access to Government information in an impartial environment with professional assistance.

    What is the Federal Depository Library Program?

    Established by Congress to ensure that the American public has access to its Government's information, the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) involves the acquisition, format conversion, and distribution of depository materials to libraries throughout the United States and the coordination of Federal depository libraries in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.

    The mission of the FDLP is to disseminate information products from all three branches of the Government to about 1,250 libraries nationwide at no cost.

    The U.S. Government Printing Office administers the FDLP and serves to provide this network of libraries with the tools they need to keep America informed.

How do I cite U. S. government documents?