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Interlibrary Loan: Welcome to our new ILL system!

This guide is an overview of the interlibrary loan service.

Before requesting articles through Interlibrary Loan please check here using a Title/Citation/DOI to see if your article is freely available via Open Access

How to use the new ILL system

1. Go to Your ILL Account (

2. Sign in with your barcode and password

3. If you are a new student/faculty/staff or do not know your password, use the set/reset password link

4. If you do not have a RWWL barcode, please visit the RWWL Circulation Desk to receive one or call 404-978-2097. If you have any fines from having lost Robert W. Woodruff Library items you will not be able to borrow items via Interlibrary loan.

5. Once logged in, select Profile and update your contact information. While a phone number is necessary,  requesting text notifications is not a requirement to use the Interlibrary loan system. If you do not wish to provide the Interlibrary loan department with a phone number, please contact us at 404-978-2042 or so we can assist you with requesting Interlibrary loan material.




6.  To manually request a book, article, thesis, media or microform, select Requested which is the second option from the left. On the far right is 'Create Request.' You will be able to see any items checked out to you, the due date of these items and the renewal request button.




Sort by: Viewing last 60 Days





7. Fill the ILL request form with as much information as you have available, paying close attention to the mandatory fields. After submitting your Interlibrary loan request, you will receive an email from saying your request is being processed.




8.  RWWL patrons are able to see where their requests are in the Interlibrary loan process by viewing their ILL request status. Click here for an explanation of ILL statuses. The initial status will be 'Unknown' but will update within seconds to 'Submitted' as the request makes its way into the ILL system.


8.1 'Submitted' Status becomes visible within seconds of clicking the Submit button.


9. When your Interlibrary loan item has been delivered to the Interlibrary loan department you will receive an email from letting you know it is available for pickup at the Circulation/Information Desk. If you are a distance learning student, please chose the relevant Pickup Location.

10. If you wish to renew an ILL item, visit your ILL account and select the Renew button. All checked out items are immediately visible upon logging in to your ILL account. Please note that renewals are at the discretion of the lending library. If the response to a renewal request is no, please return the item immediately. The Interlibrary loan department will be happy to request the same title from another library.


11. If you have received an article via Interlibrary loan, please download the article and save it to your computer, or thumb drive, or print it out. Articles are available for 30 days and 5 views, whichever comes first. This is to adhere to copyright laws.


For further assistance, please CONTACT THE ILL UNIT at or 404-978-2042.