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Speech: Find Books

This guide provides an overview of selected print and electronic resources for Speech Communication.


Browse the Stacks

Browse the stacks in these sections to see what the library has in Speech.

P87-96                Communication.  Mass media

P94.7                  Interpersonal communication

P95-95.6             Oral communication.  Speech

P99.5-99.6           Nonverbal communication

PN4001-4355       Oratory.  Elocution, etc.

PN4177-4191       Debating

PN6121-6129       Orations

PN6259-6268       Anecdotes.  Table talk

PN6269-6278       Aphorisms.  Apothegms

PN6279-6288       Epigrams

PN6288.5-6298    Epitaphs

PN6299-6308       Maxims

PN6309-6318       Mottoes

PN6319-6328       Sayings, bon mots, etc.

PN6329-6338       Thoughts

PN6340-6348       Toasts



These books are available ONLINE and some are available in the library. To access the online items, just click on the titles.

Note: To access these items from off-campus you must have a remote access username and password.

At the Library

Here are just a few Art books available in the library. Click on the book or its title to check its availability and location.