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Sports Journalism & Sports Media: Search Strategies & Tips

This guide is intended to support the coursework and research of the students and faculty of our AUC member institution’s Departments Sports Journalism, Sports Media & Sports Marketing. Resources here are to directly support these three programs.

Step 1: Let's Formulate A Research Topic

It  is useful to begin by formulating your research topic as a question:

  • What is the effect of sports media? Does the media promote good sportsmanship?
  • What is the effect of brands in sports? Does identifying with a team improve the sales of a company?
  • What are some challenges that sports journalists go through and the possible solutions.
  • What are the roles of sports commentators on good sporting culture?

Step 2: What Are Your Main Concepts

Choose the words that have substantive meaning  in your question:

  • media, network, broadcast
  • team, league, channel, authentication
  • sports journalists, culture, good sportsmanship

The main concepts will be keywords used in your search!

Step 3: Develop Alternate Terms/Keywords

It is helpful to think of synonyms or related terms for your main concepts:

  • network-- channel, station, television
  • journalist-- broadcaster, columnist, commentator, announcer
  • league-- organization, club, group
  • broadcast-- air, transmit, announcement, program

Step 4: Use the Boolean Connectors OR/AND to Combine Your Terms

OR broadens  the search; use it to combine synonyms or related terms:

  • team or organization
  •  journalists or associated press
  • sportsmanship or conduct
  • AND narrows the search; use it to combine your concepts:

  • network and broadcast

Step 5: Construct Your Complete Search

(media or networks) and (journalists or associated press or commentators) and  (team or organization)

 and (promoting or encouraging) and (sportsmanship or conduct)

  • Terms connected by the OR should be in parentheses ()
  • Using truncation will retrieve variations of words and is a good way of broadening your search.  The truncation symbol directs the database search engine to search for the root word and any ending. The most common sympbol is the asterik (*). For example, typing broadcast* would retrieve records containing broadcast, broadcasts, broadcasting, broadcaster, etc.  So, for the search on the media and journalists encouraging sportsmanship among organizations, would be:

(media or networks) and (journalists or associated press or commentators) and  (team or organization) and (promoting or encouraging) and (sportsmanship or conduct)

Your Subject Librarian

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Monya Tomlinson
111 James P. Brawley Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30314