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Research Data Management: RDM Policies & Procedures

Research guide to serve as a portal to data repositories, agency and funder requirements, tutorials, and DMPTool.

Research Data and Scholarship Submission and Retention Policies



The Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library assists AUC member institutions with identifying resources and training on research data management and data management planning, the management and storage of data, and the selection of data repositories.


Depositing and sharing research data and scholarship via the AUC Woodruff Library's institutional repository is offered as a service to AUC member institutions that do not already have an available discipline specific repository, such as, Figshare, or PubChem.  Please consult our LibGuide for more examples of commonly used subject-specific repositories.

Repository of AUC Digital collections, Archives and Research (RADAR) 
The Library's Repository of AUC Digital collections, Archives and Research is a service and resource for the AUC community.  Posted here are thousands of items including theses, dissertations, faculty scholarship, archival materials, audio, video and more.  Through RADAR, AUC faculty, students and staff are able to share their work worldwide, including their research data.

For more information on RADAR in general, please see:

Radar Content Policy

RADAR is able to accept and provide online access to a variety of scholarly output including works supporting the teaching, learning and research missions of the Atlanta University Center.  Such content may include, but is not limited to:

  • Data sets
  • Articles
  • Presentations
  • Posters
  • Open access books
  • Reports
  • Research papers
  • Video and audio recordings

Content that is not scholarly or includes sensitive information is NOT appropriate for posting in RADAR, such as:

  • Files containing personal signatures.
  • Personally identifiable information (PII) such as social security numbers and content protected under FERPA and HIPAA.
  • Resumes and CVs.
  • Student work that is not sponsored by an AUC faculty member or associated with an AUC initiative.
  • Content in violation of copyright agreements.

File Formats Accepted

A file format is a standard way that information is encoded for storage and retrieval in a computer system.  As technology changes over time, some file formats may be unreadable or obsolete by hardware and software programs.  File formats have a direct impact on whether the files will be able to be opened and shared in the future.  Research data and scholarship should be saved in non-proprietary (open) file formats whenever possible. 

For questions about other file formats, please contact  All of the formats below can be downloaded from RADAR, but may not be readable without specific software.

  • Containers: TAR, GZIP, ZIP
  • Databases: XML, CSV
  • Moving images: MOV, MPEG, AVI, MXF, MP4
  • Sounds: WAVE, AIFF, MP3, MXF
  • Statistics: ASCII, DTA, POR, SAS, SAV
  • Still images: TIFF, JPEG 2000, PDF, PNG, GIF, BMP
  • Tabular data: CSV
  • Text: XML, PDF/A, HTML, TXT (ASCII, UTF-8)
  • Web archive: WARC

Research Data and Scholarship Deposit Policy

Through depositing scholarly content and research data in the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library Institutional Repository (RADAR), the depositor grants the AUC Woodruff Library the right to distribute and display and transmit the Depositor's work in electronic format. In addition, the content should meet the following conditions:

  • The deposit must represent your own work or that of your co-authors.
  • Work that does not contain any confidential, personally identifiable information (PII), personal health information (PHI), or any other sensitive information. It is the responsibility of the submitting party to ensure that this information has been redacted from the data set before submission.
  • The Depositor (and any co-authors) retain copyright to the work and the right to use all or part in future works.
  • Research data should include a README file, data dictionary for tabular data, or other relevant documentation and metadata.

Submission Procedures

To submit scholarship or research data to RADAR, complete this form and follow instructions for submission.  After confirming that your deposit meets the criteria outlined in the Research Data and Scholarship Submission Policy, complete the form and attach the file. If you have multiple files, complete one form per file.  If your file is larger than 10MB, or you have large quantity of data to submit, contact for specific instructions regarding other transfer options.

Preservation & Access

Research Data and Scholarship Preservation Policy 

Providing long term access to digital content has resource and management implications for the AUC Woodruff Library.  The Library commits to providing access to scholarship and datasets ingested into the library's repository, RADAR, for the time period specified in the project's grant application or required by the applicable granting agency.  In the absence of specific requirements, AUC Woodruff Library will  provide access for a ten year period after the date of submission.  At the end of the ten-year period a review of the material will determine if an extension is necessary.  

Data Size Limits

Submissions or related files from a single entity that exceed a total footprint of 500GB will be reviewed by repository managers and may require a signed agreement with the AUC Woodruff Library for long-term rentention.  Please contact the Digital Services Department at for further information.

Rights Management

Default license options:

Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0
In Copyright-Educational Use Permitted

Unless otherwise requested, all datasets deposited in RADAR will by default be Open Access.  This access level means that the submitter is allowing anyone in the world to access their submission.  Submitters authorize AUC Woodruff Library to distribute their content under the terms of the default Creative Commons license and to allow users of RADAR to do the same. Upon submission, AUC Woodruff Library will apply the default license (Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0), which provides the library with the non-exclusive right to distribute the submission (including the metadata and abstract) worldwide, in any format or medium and allows users to adapt the material for any purpose. It also authorizes AUC Woodruff Library to allow users of the repository to distribute the submission under the same terms. AUC Woodruff Library will clearly identify the name(s) of the author(s) or owner(s) of the submission, and will not make any alteration, other than as allowed by this license, to the submission.  If the default license is not appropriate for a particular data set, the submitting party should contact the Digital Services Department at for alternative licenses.

Access Levels

AUC Woodruff Library's repository (RADAR) allows for several levels of access to scholarship and datasets. The library's default  and preferred access level option is open access to any public user.  


If for any legal or ethical reason (such as discovering the inadvertent disclosure of personally identifiable information or any other sensitive information) you need to permanently remove files, please contact the Digital Services Department for assistance (  Once the files are removed from the repository a "tombstone" metadata record will remain in RADAR to provide a provenance record for any persistent identifiers (e.g., DOI or Handle).

Review Schedule

This policy is reviewed regularly by the AUC Woodruff Library and is subject to change.

  • Research Data Management Policy drafted by the Digital Services Department, 2020
  • Policy approved, Scholarly Communications Working Group, 2020
  • Policy revised by Digital Services to encompass digital scholarship, 2022

Data Inquiry and Submission Forms

If you have scholarship or research data that you would like to submit to the Library's repository, RADAR, please follow these steps.

Step 1: Fill out the Research Data Set Inquiry FormA staff member of the Digital Services Department will contact you for consultation about your data set.

Step 2: When your data is ready for submission, fill out and submit the Research Data Set Submission Form.

Report dead or outdated links on this page only to Digital Services Department.