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Research Data Management: Additional Resources

Research guide to serve as a portal to data repositories, agency and funder requirements, tutorials, and DMPTool.


The Canadian Association of Research Libraries, or L'Association des Bibliothèques de Recherece du Canada, consists of twenty-nine large university librarians and two federal institutions.
Digital Curation Center's site has been developed to provide expert advice and practical help to anyone in UK higher education and research wanting to store, manage, protect and share digital research data.
The Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research's Guide to Social Science Data Preparation and Archiving
Data Management for Data Providers gives an overview of data management planning and preparation. It offers practical methods to successfully share and archive your data at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Distributed Active Archive Center for Biogeochemical Dynamics.
UK Data Archive facilitates data sharing. Find out about best practices for creating, preparing, storing, managing, and sharing data.
Research Data management training and Open Access textbooks, presentations, and papers.
Data Nudge provides monthly data management tips and reminders from the University of Illinois Library Research Data Service
From the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives, this guide is designed by European experts to help social science researchers make their research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR).
Webinar series sponsored by the National Consortium for Data Science (NCDS) that gives NCDS members and the larger data community the chance to discuss the most pressing and interesting issues in data science. Webinars are generally held on the first Wednesday of every month, excluding July. 
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) funded research project investigating data information literacy (DIL) needs of e-scientists
The ETD+ Virtual Workshop Series, taught by Dr. Katherine Skinner, is a set of free introductory training resources on crucial data curation and digital longevity techniques. Focusing on the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) as a mile-marker in a student’s research trajectory, it provides in-time advice to students and faculty about avoiding common digital loss scenarios for the ETD and all of its affiliated files.
Produced by the NIH National Library of Medicine, Data Thesaurus connects and defines concepts, services, and tools relevant to librarians working in data-driven discovery. A definition, relevant literature, and web resources accompany each term along with links to related terms.
The policy is designed to underscore the agency’s continued commitment to make the results of publicly funded biomedical research broadly available. It applies to all research funded or conducted by NIH that results in the generation of scientific data.
A compilation of articles that address aspects of data curation in the digital humanities. (From the authors)

journal of e-science librarianship

Harvard Data Science Review

Dorothea Salos's Research Data Management Horror Stories

Dorothea Salos's Data Management Success Stories

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