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Research Data Management
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Research Data Management: RDM TRAINING
Research guide to serve as a portal to data repositories, agency and funder requirements, tutorials, and DMPTool.
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Module: How to Manage Data
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Data Management Training (DMT) Clearinghouse
The Data Management Training (DMT) Clearinghouse is a registry of online learning resources focusing on research data.
DataONE Education
DataONE is committed to educating the community about data stewardship, including outlining best practices for data management, providing educational materials for use by those that support researchers, and linking to tools and resources available from DataONE and its partners.
MIT Libraries Research Data Management Workshop Slides
Topics include a detailed data management overview, data management planning, file organization, data sharing and storage options, and version control. The audience for these slides is the faculty, students, and staff working with data.
New England Collaborative Data Management Curriculum
NECDMC is an instructional tool for teaching data management best practices to undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers in the health sciences, sciences, and engineering disciplines.
UK Data Archive Training
Training in how to look after research data.
Research Data Management Librarian Academy [RDMLA]
RDMLA is a free online professional development program for librarians, information professionals, or other professionals who work in a research-intensive environment. The curriculum focuses on the essential knowledge and skills needed to collaborate effectively with researchers on data management. Self-paced Learning Units cover topics such as the foundations of research data management (RDM), research culture, advocating and marketing for RDM services in libraries, project management, overview of research data management tools, etc.
University of Wisconsin Data Services Video Series
A joint video channel from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Data Services and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Research Data Services
Data Management Short Course for Scientists
The ESIP Federation, in cooperation with NOAA and the Data Conservancy, seeks to share the community's knowledge with scientists who increasingly need to be better data managers, as well as to support workforce development for new data management professionals. All courses are available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license that allows you to share and adapt the work as long as you cite the work according to the citation provided.
By EDINA, based at the University of Edinburgh, MANTRA is a free online course for those who manage digital data as part of their research project.
Research Data Management and Sharing
This course, offered on Coursera by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and The University of Edinburgh, will provide learners with an introduction to research data management and sharing. After completing this course, learners will understand the diversity of data and their management needs across the research data lifecycle, be able to identify the components of good data management plans, and be familiar with best practices for working with data including the organization, documentation, and storage and security of data. Learners will also understand the impetus and importance of archiving and sharing data as well as how to assess the trustworthiness of repositories.
Data Matters (Data Science Short Course Series)
Data Matters™ is a week-long series of one and two-day courses aimed at professionals in business, research, and government. This week of short coursepaid is typically offered in the summer and aims to help participants sharpen their data science skills.
University of North Texas
UNT's Department of Information Science Digital Curation and Data Management offers Post-Master's LIS professionals a Graduate Academic Certificate in Digital Curation and Data Managment. Comprises four three-credit online courses offered at UNT's graduate course tuition rate.
Data Science Courses in Coursera
Some courses are for free, while courses for specialization are for a fee. Free course do offer a certificate for a fee.
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